May, 2014

The Wolf's Footprint reprinted

The Wolf's Footprint is at last available as a paperback once more!
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The Wolf's Footprint by Susan Price

'The Wolf's Footprint' began as a short picture-book text of three hundred words. It rattled around from publisher to publisher for a while, and lots of people said they loved it, but no one was prepared to take on the expense of turning it into a book. Picture books are so expensive that they have to be pre-sold to America or Europe before it's financially viable for a UK publisher.

Then Hodder asked me for a story suitable for the 8-10s. I took the Wolf's Footprint story, which I'd always liked, and expanded it.

It was favourably reviewed from the outset, not least by the children I read it to when I visited schools. It has never failed to produce an open-mouthed silence. I think it's the opening, which echoes Hansel and Gretel, with parents planning to abandon their children in the forest, so they won't have to watch them starve. (Hansel and Gretel is the most obvious reference, but the notion that if you drink from an animal's footprint, you become that animal, is from Russian folklore.)

Out of Print

After a few short years, Hodder let the book go out of print, which is the way of modern publishing. Writers are used to this happening. They sigh, and get on with other things.

But my mailbox started filling up with emails from parents and teachers, asking where could they get copies, and did I have any to sell? I put the few I had into my on-line bookshop, and they were gone in a fortnight. Still the emails came in. Did I have 16 copies? Did I have a hard-back copy?

I searched for second hand copies on-line, and found some selling for £145! I emailed the seller and said that I had never recieved anything near £145 for a copy. I used to make about 45p.

No reply.


So, since I had the rights, I decided to turn the book into an ebook. I commissioned new illustrations and a new cover from Andrew Price. It's been available as an e-book for some months now, and is selling steadily.

But the emails still kept coming. Ebooks were all very well, but how about a real, paper book that you could share while sitting on a sofa, even if you couldn't be bothered with electrical e-thingies?

So I set about tackling CreateSpace, and it was not nearly as easy as they claim it is!

I'm very glad, and relieved, to be able to send out the news that there are now two paperback editions of The Wolf's Footprint available from Amazon.

Here's the black and white edition.

And here's the slightly more expensive colour edition.

I hope you like and enjoy them!
The Authors Electric Collective

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